4 (Medical Billing Techniques) that Can Assist Your Practice

Health care providers should periodically review their financials and revenue cycle, so that they can take corrective measures at the earliest if required. A great deal of medical offices / health care providers find that medical billing is one area which could be drastically improved. Using the latest billing techniques, a provider’s efficiency and efficacy rates will increase. Data shows, there’s been an exponential increase in medical costs over the last few years. Hence, patients expect health care providers to be more transparent while calculating payment(s). Additionally, patients want more options for making payment(s). Therefore, the medical service provider has to consider multiple factors while billing. Fortunately, there are some new medical billing trends which simplify the process of collecting patient payments.


Many healthcare providers prefer automation, since it helps reduce costs and it’s more convenient for the patient. Using an automated billing system reduces effort, saves time and eliminates many human errors. Additionally, it’s easier for the patient to understand the billing. While some patients may require more information about how they are being billed, data suggests most health care provider staffs and their patients are quite satisfied when medical billing protocol(s) are streamlined and automated.

Using Registry or EHR for Payment Incentive under MIPS

Under the medicare system of payment adjustment, eligible clinicians may get a payment bonus, payment penalty or no adjustment of payment under the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) program. Healthcare providers can choose from different methods for reporting to MIPS, with Electronic Health Records (EHR) and registries being the most popular methods. EHR has the patients medical information in digital format, while the registry has more comprehensive analytics information and is designed for submission to MIPS. Each of these options have their own disadvantages and advantages. Hence, the health care provider should compare each option carefully before finding the most suitable option based on the requirements of their organization.

Using Improved AI

Worldwide, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is being extensively developed and the number of applications using the technology are increasing rapidly. In the medical sector, professionals have found this technology to be extremely useful and can be used holistically. Some health care companies and providers have started using AI for coding and billing applications, since AI can be used for extracting specific data patterns and sets. Other organizations have found that AI to be useful in collecting patient payments.

Comparing Outsourcing and In-House Billing

Although many large medical providers perform their own medical billing (in-house), it makes more sense for new or small to mid-sized medical practices to outsource. Small to mid-sized providers realize that billing is extremely labor intensive, yet a very crucial part of their business model and revenue cycle. It’s been our vast experience that medical practices should focus on providing health care services to their patients and leave the billing to experts. Qualified medical billing groups ensure billing accuracy and speed and are well trained, with experience.

Are You Buying a Safe House?

Would you let your safe spot become a potential danger, not only to your close ones but also for the people living in the immediate surroundings? While buying a property, you just can’t get away without testing the small details that vouch for the structural soundness of a construction. The problem is more serious than it appears. As the minor flaws get unnoticed, a layman might completely overlook the tiny issues that determine how safe the construction of a home is. Here, we have compiled a list of a few tests which must be conducted and their results analyzed, before you move into a house. Soil TestBefore starting the construction, all builders are required to go for a soil test. The soil on which construction takes place plays a very important role. For instance, clay-rich soil expands and shrinks depending on the moisture content. Ask the builder to get you a copy of the soil test that was done before the construction and seek professional assistance if the report is fine. Quality of ConcreteIt is nearly impossible to keep a check on the quality of concrete mix on the site, therefore ask the builder for a copy of the test done in a trusted laboratory that certifies the purity of the concrete mix.Furnishing & FixturesThough every builder claims to use quality fixtures and furnishing materials in the house, yet one must check whether the quality of wire, electrical fittings, tiles, paints, etc. is certified by the competent authorities or not.Third Party AuditsFor a buyer, it is not possible to inspect all the aspects of the construction before buying a house therefore he can avail of the services of an independent auditor. In several countries, the prospective buyers can seek assistance from the members of quality council for the inspection of the construction material to ensure compliance with the standards of safety and quality.Know “Thick & Thin” of The WallsMake sure you know the thickness of the walls before buying a house; builders should mention the thickness of the walls in the layouts & booking/purchase agreements. It is suggested to visit the construction site to see if the builder is adhering to his commitment. Know The Structure In & Out For a layman, it takes a while to interpret the blueprints, but it is essential to know about the structure of the building. One can ask for the designs and take help of a third party professional to make sure everything is in place. The few tests, guidelines and tips mentioned above are not exhaustive in nature but provide an outline about how to ensure that you buy a safe home. Prevention is better than cure, so you must not skip these stages of tests and inspections.

Top 3 Investment Mistakes That Millenials Make

Many may know how to crack an interview, or network socially. But when it comes to making personal investment decisions, many may feel flushed out with cash, that too if the individual has just stepped into his first job!

While career advises are important, money advises also play a very important role. Millennials often find it very challenging to tactfully manage their investment decisions independently. Here are the top 3 investment mistakes that Millennials mostly make.

No Retirement Investments
Most of the Millennials never give a first thought to their retirement investments. One of the major reasons lying behind is a high level of debt on their head. However, the compound interest could have a major progressive impact if one plans it in his 20s and 30s. So how do you make a proper retirement investment planning?

Essentially, before you plan to invest in any of the retirement investment schemes, you should note the following factors into account and choose accordingly,

What is your financial goals and objectives post-retirement?
How many years to retirement?
How many years in retirement?
What is your current risk profile?
Do you have a healthy diversification across your asset classes?
It is much easier to start, but one has to start! Even a small investment of INR 50,000 would make a huge impact if you are planning for a decade of compound interest!

Too Much Conservative Investments

Millennials invest very conservatively thinking about their long term investment horizon. Moreover, they prefer cash investments. The main problem is cash looses value the longer it is held, and also at the time of inflation it doesn’t keep up!

However, holding cash is not a bad idea if you’re sure of the purpose. Say, emergency funds – you should have at least 6 months of living expenses in savings that could be easily available & accessible at times of emergencies (medical emergency/ financial urgency). Though it is tough to hit for 6 months in one go, it is easier to save at least 30% of your salary every month. The crux is forming a habit of savings and observe how that 30% increases gradually.

No Understanding of Investments

It would be daunting if you do not closely analyze how is you’re making investments. Say, how much money are you investing in your PF? Have you ever wondered about the management fees? And how much it would cost you if you keep your current investments? Fee analysis is a very crucial part of planning investments for you could analyze the risk involved easily.

The prime takeaway is if you do not understand your investments, you would be losing money unnecessarily, be it investing in a portfolio that isn’t diversified, or in management fees. So, gear up to take a call today in order to make all your investments right going forward. Ask people you trust for help and guidance. It’s never too late for millennials to give a kickstart to their personal financing. You still have a long, long investment horizon!